Tuesday, May 20, 2008

APAHM still going strong

Hi everyone!

My apologies for the lack of updates, and a lot has definitely happened in the past couple weeks.

First off, a big THANK YOU to everyone who voted in the USAC elections!!! Yayyy for exciting election results! In case you didn't know, Students First! took 7 of the 10 offices. Next year is looking good already. :)

During elections week (week 6), APC hosted the annual APAHM Food Festival! Thank you to everyone who came out to support the orgs who sold yummy food.

There were a few performers who performed on the stage in Bruin Plaza during the food sale. If you liked what you saw and you want to see more, then come out THIS THURSDAY, MAY 22 BETWEEN 6 AND 8PM at the DE NEVE QUAD for the annual APAHM COMMUNITY FESTIVAL!!! It'll be action-packed for sure!

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