Tuesday, May 12, 2009

APC on Angry Asian Man, Count Me In! Campaign

Soetheara Chhay, Lisa Chorn, Christine Corrales, Craig Ishii, Alex Lowe, Jason Osajima, Tina Park, Kevin Peanh, Melissa Phatharanavik, Alma Riego, Nefara Riesch, Pamela Saelieb, Sopheap Sam, Christine Santos, Candice Shikai, Jonathan Tran, and Cynthia Vuong
Ages: 21-24
Student Leaders of the "Count Me In" Campaign

Why they're influential: Because all AAPI students should be counted. In 2006 and 2007, a small group of UCLA students led the "Count Me In" campaign to get the UC to disaggregate data on AAPI students. Starting Fall 2008, the UC started listing 23 different AAPI ethnic group boxes for people to identify their ethnicities. And their model of student campaigns is being followed by other groups who also see data as a strategy for social justice activism.

We all know that there is a group of wealthier Asian Americans who are doing well in school, but we also know there's a significantly large number of lower income, less privileged Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders whose educational needs are ignored by institutions, because the diversity of socioeconomic conditions among AAPI populations is not reflected in the data that lumps all these ethnic groups into one group.

Starting with a handful of students in UCLA's Asian Pacific Coalition deciding to take proactive action, the campaign unified the diverse AAPI community, and educated peers on the need for ethnic data disaggregation. They got non-AAPI students, faculty, and administrators on board with the campaign, which spread to all 9 UC undergrad campuses.

To all of you out there saying, "Yeah, but they're in California. It's just easier to do stuff at the UC," don't forget that the core group was only 10 students or less, at any given time. These 17 leaders are key people who were involved over 2 years. Some graduated mid-campaign. Sustaining a campaign when half your core leadership graduates... now that's impressive, and very possible through diverse coalition-building with other people of color!

(Contributed by Oiyan Poon)

From Angry Asian Man's 30 under 30

Monday, May 26, 2008

APC Banquet

It's that time of year again--banquet season! Come celebrate with your APC family at Thailand Plaza!

Here's the info in case you didn't get an email through the APC org chair listserv:

Who: YOU! And other APC org folks
What: APC Banquet
When: June 2nd (Monday of 10th week)
Where: Thailand Plaza in Thai Town (5321 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles)

If you didn't know, there's already a Facebook event created. However, we need more concrete RSVPs in order to work out rides and such. So please RSVP to apc.ucla@gmail.com by Tuesday, May 27th at 6PM with the following information:

1) Will you need a ride?
2) Your phone number

Please bring $20 on the day of the banquet. Don't miss out on having a good time with some of your favorite people! Also, as is the tradition, we will be putting together a slideshow for banquet so PLEASE SEND IN YOUR PICTURES TO THE APC EMAIL (apc.ucla@gmail.com) ASAP!!! You can also put pictures on a CD and give it to either David Morihiro (schroeder85@gmail.com) or Jessica Lee (jesslee8@gmail.com). Please get the pictures in no later than Week 9 LDRT!!!!

This is really important that you RSVP because we need to confirm the number of people with the restaurant so they know how much food to prepare. We will need to arrange transportation as well. It will be a LOT of fun (not to mention, there will be some really GOOD FOOD) so please RSVP ASAP!

Thank you! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

APAHM still going strong

Hi everyone!

My apologies for the lack of updates, and a lot has definitely happened in the past couple weeks.

First off, a big THANK YOU to everyone who voted in the USAC elections!!! Yayyy for exciting election results! In case you didn't know, Students First! took 7 of the 10 offices. Next year is looking good already. :)

During elections week (week 6), APC hosted the annual APAHM Food Festival! Thank you to everyone who came out to support the orgs who sold yummy food.

There were a few performers who performed on the stage in Bruin Plaza during the food sale. If you liked what you saw and you want to see more, then come out THIS THURSDAY, MAY 22 BETWEEN 6 AND 8PM at the DE NEVE QUAD for the annual APAHM COMMUNITY FESTIVAL!!! It'll be action-packed for sure!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

USAC elections!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!

In case you haven't noticed (and you've been holed up in your room everyday now since Monday or something), it's USAC elections week!!!!!!!! That means you should VOTE!!! (Log into MyUCLA and then you'll see an icon on the upper right hand corner that says "Elections" underneath. Click on it and then you'll be presented with a "ballot." Seriously takes only a few minutes MAX) Voting ends TONIGHT at 7PM so vote now!!! And really, EVERY VOTE COUNTS!!!

If you didn't know, APC endorses Students First! Who are they? Learn more about them at http://www.votestudentsfirst.com/. They're a bunch of very cool and experienced folks who will most definitely put students first. In case you're not sure who to vote for, here are the SF! candidates:

PRESIDENT: Homaira Hosseini - Rank 1 (just leave the other two unranked)


  • Rank 1-James Birks
  • Rank 2-Gilberto Chacon
  • Rank 3-No one






If you have time today, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help flyer!!! This is the final stretch and let's push it to the limits! Stop by Bruinwalk any time today until 5PM. Then come out at 9:30PM to wait with everyone to hear about the election results at 10PM. Hope to see all your beautiful faces there!!!!! :)

Ready for some REAL change in USAC?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Black April

VSU event tomorrow!!!

This Wednesday, April 30th, from 7 to 10PM at Fowler Auditorium, is Black April Commemoration.

April 30th marks the fall of Saigon to the communist regime 33 years ago.

Come out to support and learn a little more about what this day means to the Vietnamese and learn about all the lives that it affected. Many of them will be wearing black slashes and participate in a day of silence to commemorate this day.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A couple community APHAM events

Here are two really interesting events coming up in May that APC is co-sponsoring. Come out and show some support! And as always, please spread the news to your friends and org folks!

Documentary Screening

"El Mexico mas cercano a Japon/ The closest point in Mexico to Japan" is a new documentary film about Japanese people who live in Tijuana, Mexico by film maker Shinpei Takeda.

The film maker, Shinpei Takeda will be present for discussion after the film is shown. He has been living in Tijuana for the last year while making this film. There will possibly be relatives of the people interviewed in the film at this free showing, which is open to the public. The showing will be at Young Research Library (YRL) presentation room 11348. You can ask the front desk for directions.

For more information, check out http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/features/20080302-9999-1c02japanm.html

Sponsored by the Asian American Graduate Student Association and APC

Voting Awareness

In such a pivotal voting year, what is the role of APAs?

Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Los Angeles County's

Sixth Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Forum

The Next Sleeping Giant:
Is There An Emerging Asian Pacific American Swing Vote?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 6:15 – 9:00 p.m.

at the ImaginAsian Center


251 South Main Street

(near Little Tokyo, between 2nd & 3rd St.)

Los Angeles, California 90012

6:15 p.m. registration

6:45 p.m. program

Confirmed Panelists:

· Dan Ichinose (Asian Pacific American Legal Center, Director of Demographic Research Project);
· Kam Kuwata (Political Consultant);
· Courtni Sunjoo Pugh (Assistant Area Director for SEIU and former Deputy Political Director for the Edwards presidential campaign);
· Prof. Raphael Sonenshein, (CSUF, expert on political coalition building and author of Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles); and
· Ted Chen, (KNBC), as moderator.

Admission: Free (please RSVP early as seating is limited)
RSVP by May 9 to president@apabala.org (please indicate if you are interested in purchasing a bento box dinner)

For more information, visit: http://www.apabala.org/article/225_0_4_0/

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Alumni Luncheon pictures

FYI: you can click on the images to see a larger version. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A bit of a recap

Hi APCers!

There's been so much happening lately, and it's only third week! So how about a recap of the past week?

CONGRATS to Hanoolim for KCN last Wednesday!! It was a full house...I even found myself sitting on the balcony! As always, amazing show!!

Then on Thursday, the Asian American Studies Graduate Student Association put on the 7th annual program called "SubVerses," a "campus-wide event addressing Asian American community issues and provided a forum of expression for a collection of voices."

A snipet from the program regarding the history of the event: "In past years, the event has focused on topics from queer Asian Pacific Islander literature, to artistic expressions under the theme "we will not be moved," to the anti-war struggle and its intersection with immigrant rights.

"This year's event focuses on Asian American popular culture, particularly the perceptions and representations of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in various media."

To do that, four panelists were invited to speak on the topic. The four were Daniel Lee (a lecturer in Asian American Studies at UCLA and other schools in Southern California, far right), Jeff Liu (the Interim Executive Director of Visual Communications and overseers of all the programs at the nation's oldest Asian Pacific American media arts center, second from right), Eric Nakamura (co-founder and publisher of Giant Robot magazine, second from left), and Phil Yu (aka Angry Asian Man blogger, far left). Jeff and Eric are UCLA alums!

The event went well and the audience was really engaged throughout. After the closing, audience members got the chance to mingle with the panelists...and I finally met Phil, which was exciting because I'm an avid reader of his Angry Asian Man blog, which, if you don't know, is a great way to stay informed with events and news happening in the Asian American community. It's pretty cool stuff, but don't just take my word for it. I encourage you to check it out!

On Saturday was the long-anticipated ALUMNI LUNCHEON!!! THANK YOU ALL who were able to come out for that! I hope you all had a good time! And we missed those of you who couldn't make it. Hopefully you'll be able to make it next year? It doesn't hurt to think that far in advance.

APC Staff

Mike Fong (alumni), Meg, and Levin Sy (alumni)

Aileen Trieu (alumni), Candice (current APC director), Jonathan Shintaku (alumni)

I'll have more pictures up when I get more. Also, PLEASE SEND ME ANY PICTURES FROM THIS YEAR--WHETHER THEY ARE ORG OR APC RELATED. I want to start putting the slideshow together for the APC Banquet, which is set for Monday, June 2nd.

Sunday was the Hawaii Club's annual luau in Ackerman Grand Ballroom. The delicious food coupled with the pleasant and aesthetically appealing performances made me rather nostalgic for this past summer that I spent in Hawaii with the Asian American Studies program. Oh the memories...

Last night (Tuesday night) was CSA's 3rd Annual Heritage Night, which was awesome!!! Great job, and a shout out to Tony, CSA's APC rep, who composed all the original songs that were performed in the musical performance.

The artistic set plus some of the musical performers hiding behind the background pieces

Yay, wonderful show!

Wow, who knew so much could happen in just seven days? Well, this is only the beginning of crazy spring quarter! Be on the lookout for more things to come!

Some events to look forward to:

  • LDRT THIS THURSDAY 6PM @ Boelter 5422
  • Thai CN THIS FRIDAY 7PM @ Freud Playhouse
  • UKS CN THIS SATURDAY 7PM @ Freud Playhouse
  • APC Staff elections Week 5 LDRT (email jesslee8@gmail.com if you need an application. Good luck filling it out!)
Until next time,


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring into some APC fun this quarter!

Hi everyone!

I hope your first week was relatively chill...because it ain't gonna be like that for the rest of the quarter. Haha, I kid. But seriously, spring quarter is super action-packed with APC! There will be lots of cool events, so keep checking this site for new updates. And as usual, email an APC staffer if you want to see your org event here.

Get out those planners and calendars so you can save the following dates:

  • Sat, April 12: Alumni Luncheon! 11AM - 2PM
    • It's dim sum time with past and present APCers in good ol' Monterey Park! How exciting (and yummy!)! :-P
    • If you haven't yet, PLEASE email jesslee8@gmail.com to RSVP by this Monday at 5PM if you haven't already. Please include your phone number, address, and whether or not you need a ride. If you can drive, please include how many people you can take.

  • CULTURE NIGHTS--it's CN season! And the shows are FREEEE!!
    • Wed, April 9: Korean Culture Night, 7PM at Royce Hall
      • The tickets are all out at CTO but you most likely will still get in if you show up the day of. Don't worry!
      • Check out their snazzy site: www.lakcn.com
    • Sun, April 13: Hui O 'Imiloa at UCLA Annual Lu'au
      • Doors open at 6pm
        Food opens at 6:30pm
        SHOW starts at 7:00pm
        KA'ALA BOYS at 8:00pm
      • $15 for UCLA guests WITH dinner (Dinner will be catered by THE LOFT with kalua pig, lomilomi salmon, and more delicious Lu'au food!)
        FREE for UCLA guests WITHOUT dinner
        (bring your Bruincard)
        $20 flat rate for non-UCLA guest
    • Tues, April 15: Chinese Student Association Heritage Night, 6PM at Northwest Auditorium
    • Fri, April 18: Thai Culture Night, 7PM Freud Playhouse
    • Sat, April 19: Khmer Culture Night, Freud Playhouse
    • Fri, April 25: Hmong Culture Night, 7-9PM De Neve Auditorium
    • Sat, May 10: Filipino Culture Night, 12PM and 6PM showings, Royce
    • Thurs, May 15: Chinese American Culture Night, 7PM Royce

  • Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM)--the month of MAY!
    • Food Festival: Wed. May 7 (week 6)
      • This is the chance for the orgs to sell food in Bruin Plaza as well as for all the Bruins to learn more about the orgs. This is always something to look forward to!
    • Community Festival: Thurs. May 22 (week 8), 6-8PM
      • Join us for mesmerizing traditional and modern performances in De Neve Quad. Where else can you watch all these orgs perform together in one evening? This is an event not to be missed!

Phew! I hope you were able to write all that down! I'm excited just thinking about it all! :) Please try to come out to as many events as possible to support the orgs and APC. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.

Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alumni Luncheon

Good luck on final exams, papers, and projects, EVERYONE!!!

Also, don't forget to save the date--Saturday, April 12! It will be APC's Alumni Luncheon at Ocean Star restaurant in Monterey Park. There will be past and present APC members, so you definitely don't want to miss out! And dim sum!!! YUM!!

For more details and to tentatively RSVP, check out the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=11218237060

Hope to see you there!!

Have a wonderful spring break and don't forget to come to LDRT of first week in Spring Quarter! If you have any updates during the break that you want me to post on this blog, email a staffer!